Intel versus AMD

Started this discussion on my Google plus account   AMD versus Intel   If you want to see that discussion here is the link   Average  PC parts  on Google Plus here is the link Here is a Nother Google plus link to the same hole in the lot more discussion on it feel free to have a look

7 thoughts on “Intel versus AMD

        1. Yes it worked out thank you very much for the info have a look at my website if you want there is a lot of good information here and spread the word

          1. Yep, I’ve been looking around it a bit. I’ll have to pull it up on my PC. I don’t generally like the mobile version of websites. They always seem too crowded. XD

            It does look nice so far though. Nice job.

          2. Thank you very much if you have anyone you know looking for information or the products featured can you pass the word along it would be much appreciated

          3. No problem and will do!

            I also think I finally figured out how you get the icons. This whole time I was looking for a “sign up” but and skipped right by the “website” section in the “post comment” part. XD. Let’s see if it works with my Google+ account.

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